Foundation Roasters

Coffee Decaf | Beans or Ground


Grown by a family who care, in Brazil. Roasted just down the road in Penryn, Cornwall. The Borré family takes worker welfare very seriously, and provide clothing, sun cream and other safety equipment to all 200 employees. They have also built a school for the children of the workers, in a village next to the farm, further contributing to the wider community.

Fazenda Progresso originally started in 1984 as a family run vegetable farm, and only recently diversified in coffee. The name of the farm, which means ‘Progress’ captures perfectly the family’s concept and philosophy of business and portrays their commitment to the movement, innovation and improvement in every working day.

As a result of the big draught the country suffered in 2011-2012, the farm lost part of its coffee plantation. However, to combat climate change, the family has begun to change the way the coffee plantation is managed. With the new techniques and technologies that are being used today, they expect to reinitiate expanding their production in the coming years.



This process was first discovered by a scientist called Kurt Zosel at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in 1967 as he was looking at new ways of separating mixtures of substances. In 1988, a German decaffeination company called CR3 developed this process for decaffeination whereby natural carbon dioxide (which comes from prehistoric underground lakes) is combined with water to create ‘sub-critical’ conditions which creates a highly solvent substance for caffeine in coffee. It is a gentle, natural and organically certified process and the good caffeine selectivity of the carbon dioxide guarantees a high retention level of other coffee components which contribute to taste and aroma.